Monday, August 21

the accessory #2 of main article (3)

the accessory #2 of main article (2)
update temporary stop, the next week normal
the accessory #2 of main article (3)

the accessory #2 of main article "Be a Transparent Man, What can I do ? What should I do ?" (3)

Reply to a article in forum posting
--- About "Fact" and "Economy"

(Front continues)

---About the "Structure" of Economy

Thinking me personal, many problems of society and economy in real life are made from inconsonance between the growth of industrialized (or massive) manufacture and the growth of Economy System Transition. The industrialized large-scale manufacture can make the cost lower, and get more profit only from "quantity", but on the other hand, of a certain extent it also can restrain the research of science and technology, and neglecting the adjusting or growing immediately of native market structure.

Theoretically speaking, the OPTIMAL Economy Model is: of a area or a country all the industry structure can adjust self with "Zero cost" and "Zero delay" for own market demand. So it is the best continuable, no influencing outside, a sociological "environmental conservation" model.

But the realistic problem is: the fixed assets input (fixed capital input), have a Apportionment Cyc and Magrginal Profit Utility. And about the capitalist understandable subjective motive of making the profit maximum, the government nonfeasance of this for believing unduly with the Market Systemizing Self, and so on.

Be short of the kind theory research let the problem become "unpractical".

Example: Of this problem, the Market Systemizing Self has 3 disadvantages at least.

First, causes the cost of Economy System Transition increase. Even in some kind of peculiar circumstance when the target of transition has been seen, but the Market Systemizing Self energy is less, so the Economy System Transition will pause, just only spreading in parallel structure, agglomerating power, waiting for the opportunity. There are large numbers of examples in the history of human society development. Nowadays here if no venture capital intervening, the venture corporation Nature Grow Cost, the whole society cost, will be huge. In turn said, foretime there if venture capital intervening, the technology of powder and oil can be used earlier .... of course the system transition is different from the corporation growth, but they both showed the same thing.

Second, Lose the opportunity, Certainly is not all "Nature Evolution" is getting timing. Specially of the Human System, different of the Nature System, sometimes needs quick, sometimes needs slow. Peculiar circumstance, some chances will be lost forever.

Third, if another congener Economy World being, you let the Economy Systemizing running itself, no influencing and no intervening to let the transition quicker, you will be a later one in the competition. More serious, if you give up the influencing or intervening of your Economy World, and your rival maybe try to influencing or intervening of your Economy World, then the sequel, I guess maybe only God could help you.

(translating to be continued)

the Finished Chinese Version (include original quoted article), click

August 21, 2006

byw: the English Version is more than Chinese Version, because everytime I think about carefully.

Monday, August 14

update temporary stop, the next week normal

Last week I have some trouble and I cost many time and energy to move. So this week the update temporary stop, the next week will be normal. But I still wrote a long Chinese text below.
















不知,那些"彈窗通告"是否能某些內部人員自作主張地發布??? 當時XXX服務區的其他人也都收到此通告嗎?,,,,,









  到第3天上午,正式收拾好心情到房東兒子那裡探究下情況:原來,現在的路由器是昨天別人舊的盤給房東的,房東兒子自己也不知設置登陸密碼。而原來他們用來上網的路由器,在我搬來的那天,正好『壞了』。關於現在的路由器,他還是如以前剛吵翻的那位小房東般,一問三不知。還是我當時當場翻看TL-R402M SOHO寬帶路由器的說明,纔告知他有復位鍵,並且出廠密碼設定為admin。。。關鍵問題指出,我也不呆在那兒了,回來後,沒多久,終於能上網了。。。半夜時,看下掛著的電腦網絡能不能捱通宵,但還是已斷線。可能夜靜時電腦機器聲有些太響吧,無所謂,關了吧,也省電。


  半夜還是不能掛通宵,第5天也即今日上午,能登陸http://管理頁面,探察路由狀態還是較為正常,但不能鏈接外網,應是關了ADSL MODEM或是外網網線被拔出。與房東交涉,房東還嫌煩,話裡話外還說『不知我上些什麼網』?而且下月退押金讓我搬,,,看來下月我又要搬家了,,,斷網問題,ADSL MODEM在房東兒子那兒,而路由器集線器卻搬到了隔壁房東她那兒房內,搞不懂,原先前幾天都是在她兒子那兒房的。。。插拔整理下,問題解決。。。







  看了TL-R402M SOHO路由器說明書,原來路由器是能屏蔽內網電腦的外網訪問權的,虧得原來的那位小房東還『什麼都不懂』。

  在《TL-R402M SOHO寬帶路由器用戶手冊》第31頁:

  在《TL-R402M SOHO寬帶路由器用戶手冊》第33頁:

  在《TL-R402M SOHO寬帶路由器用戶手冊》第35頁:

  在《TL-R402M SOHO寬帶路由器用戶手冊》第36頁:

Monday, August 7

the accessory #2 of main article (2)

the accessory #2 of main article "Be a Transparent Man, What can I do ? What should I do ?" (2)

Reply to a article in forum posting
--- About "Fact" and "Economy"

(Front continues)
First let us talk about the "Wealth" of the basal economy words. Someone says, the "Land" is the primary wealth form. Yea, but if you get a gold trade land, and the road repair drag on for years in front of your gold land, just for someone or some govt department frowning on you. So original "gold" price is worth nothing ! And that it might difficult to sell even if give away free, no a real businessman dare to take over .... Same as , others form of "Wealth": money, bank balance, merchandise, realty, and so on. Even include the personal "Strength Asset" and "Mind Asset". All of these can be made to leave the pure economy way.
(Don't made up an excuse of a rank beginner, so that as a reason you don't know those states being ! )

In that posting article mention, about the Hongkong people's "Non-industrious" or "Non-shrewdness", maybe the meaning I wrong understand, I feel the article meaning different from my former impression coming from others, in which gossip or stories the vagrants who went from rags to riches almost are the Hongkong or Guangdong people. And now many tycoons from inland make a sizable investment abroad, using their power to blow hot and cold, but it is well-known by clear-eyed man that no compare between the two ......

Nevertheless it is a strange "FACT" that of late years the Hongkong people less managed inland of such a "Institution State". What does that show ? Which side is wrong, the "Institution" which out of those people or those "People" which out of the "Institution" ?

And, of the other days I watch the news about Hongkong Airport Bureau on ATV Home Channel. To managing the discord between Taxi and Minibus is like twists and turns: today the Taxi Behalf Group parade and appeal, the next day the Minibus Behalf Group parade and appeal. Hongkong Airport Bureau is in trouble both side ....

Absolutely this kind of case had not been happened inland. For the inland department it is inconceivable, because from their eyes those areas is their rights and interests, and it is not illegal to decide themself. So the white what they said is white, the black what they said is black. How the trouble might being ? ....

So, I gradually understand what the 500,000 Hongkong Citizens parade and appeal for ? They appeal for "THIS", maybe the form show is different.

(translating to be continued)

the Finished Chinese Version (include original quoted article), click

August 7, 2006