Monday, March 30

an email to White House [abridgment]

an email to White House [abridgment]

I can't meet the official of The U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou, because of the threshold blocked, I don't have basic files.

On Friday, Mar 27th I faxed files below to "Immigrant Department"(XXXX4412) and "State Security Department"(XXXX4416) of Consulate General Guangzhou, including a copy of my passport.

Contact me:
fax/tel: 86 20 84459514 (HKT 12:00-24:00)
it is a used fax by Japan (NEC SPEAX23TA).
it can automatic fax, but the guide sound is Japanese.
so don't surprise, just fax as normal.

I will be waiting in 30 days for return of U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou.
I hope the line will be OK.


Honorific Immigrant Official:

Good afternoon or good evening.

Frankly, I want to get a special paper here. Reason ? maybe a good business for you and me, or an action you given for humanitarian reasons, maybe both two.

I am a "Transparent Man". To understand clearly just visit my homepage. In short, follows are:
"They can see around faces which I see sharing my eyes,
they can listen around talks which I listen sharing my ears,
they can know all my acts which I think about sharing my head! "

my English BLOG on Google:
my Chinese web site:

About Business :

I offer myself, my "Paranormal Phenomenon" and my special case. You give me a exceptive visa into USA (or the other substitute plan). I guess I am a living one about telepath (especially from TV-set to TV-station), a victim of "Mind Attacker" and other real-life troubles around me because of some secrets in my body. So I can give a living sample myself for research to discover the "Unknown World".

I know it is difficult to find a legal person sample for research , specially in modern civilized society, but I am freewill.

It is a good business, isn't it ?
( I think, the "technology" things belong to technology, anything of policy or assumpsit or society criterion or the public voice even law action including manifesto etc. just be as a cushion against the bad one. )

...... ......

About Humanitarian Reasons :

Recently, it is showed by many signs that someone want to mislead or distort or remove the "Paranormal Phenomenon" from me, they want to let my case of a "living" proof be covered up .... using lots of tools or ways unhumanly .... unlawfully .... and no agreement of mine ....

I get tinnitus like whistling through my head (sometimes also less hearing or lost audition for the moment ), I get particular gingivitis so I am difficult to eat peanut, ice cream even drink beer (i guess amylomaltose is the key), I get infect finger nail, formerly I got frequent micturition ....
I have less money so can't remedy them, the frequent micturition I felt someone stop using "mind energy" quiver my bladder, then it back to normal.
( I guess "mind energy" is easy to gather the sclerotic cells, some like concretion or tooth or balance cartilage of inner ear etc. )

Lots of causes perhaps:
a. Low frequency sound wave (using transmit electricity circuits or CATV circuits to construct the amplifier of low frequency sound wave, usually in shantytown and 2nd floor high, because sound wave is easy to deplete and be interfered by other sound wave, whatever low frequency or other kinds, it not works on broad place or high-rise. On night the passing bus or using special houdehold appliance can let it works)

b. Noxious or contaminative food, whatever be a personal favor or not.

c. "Mind Energy", maybe a unknown power from a man. It puts the press directly to internal ear which was injured by Low Frequency Sound Wave. The typical case is: it "knocks" the equilibrium feel organ of internal ear, let you feel the body vibrating, but in fact not. In the extreme it was felt like Evil in the body shaking of the movie "The Exorcist" ....
It also can be used on other organs, like heart, kidney or bladder etc.

d. "Change human nature in dream". From my eyes, there are many big news showing somethings about that, without any signs, beat all, the heterosexual become homosexuality and the excellent man become pedophilia .... I have many times to "feel" those bad guys doing something in my dream .... Seems I am a man who have a great interest of woman from born nature. So they can't change my personality through subconscious in my dream.
( .... )

e. "Microwave". In the microwave field people can't get a good sleep, the microwave or low frequency vibrating let the main organs keep more metabolism, but the sign of sleep in blood is normal, so you will feel a full sleep surfacely .... body is easy to tire .... and immune system also get a wrong running.
( i know some people in China die of writing out the strength, on Nov 13th, 2006 in my English BLOG I once wrote:
Writing is a arduous work, exerting one's utmost effort, making one's heart out. Of the mainland China before I see, many writers died of doing it out the strength. (e.g. Xiaobo Wang, Haijun Zhu etc) It seemed like a "symptom", an anxiety oppressed-self writing, coming from so-called "other reasons" .... "Others" ? anyway, what made their "oppressed-self symptom" ? ....)

f. And the "pressure from condition". For shallow behalf frame some guys gather or strengthen it, whatever be used or not. So it makes me a high mental pressure .... ( especially read my mind to know my action early )

g. Of course the "pabulum" also be included. Look above the list, anyone can imagine my condition. I eat meat once or twice a month, no other high proteid food .... formerly just a few milk bought, now I pinch and scrape to get more .... and the noxious or contaminative food ....

I am a living proof .... Look how they do by with my body. I think, of China mainland outside will be better than inside for my future life.

Seems the humanitarianism has been a demoded thing in the present, but I still let it be the one of my reasons ....

Please, think about it.

The Other Substitute Plan :

Of course, I know clearly how to the real world runs ? how difficult the transaction processing would be ? So, I think maybe let the third party like civilian company or another country ( .... ) deal with my case, ......
( .... )

And if the fact is different from my words, you keep the right to repatriate me at any moment.
( .... )

As the comment #14 of Who Runs The Market wrote: "What matters on my case can make your help valuable ?" Anyone you can help, so-called prisoner of state, dissident, religionist and refugee, so why me ? I do not belong to these people, but I also want to help, having bigger reasons than them .... At least I think so.

Now here I write down my words to ask for my exceptive visa into USA. I hope an expectant or formal return.

Thank you for your time to read.

Give the freedom belief my best regards.

"Transparent Man" Ronggang Tan
finished on Mar 26th, 2009 Guangzhou

Personal Info :
I was born in Shanghai. My finish school is Shanghai Finance Middle-craftsmanship School. I have full valid identity papers, including passport,ID and certificate of Finance School etc.


...... ......

...... ......

But what science may never be able to explain is our ineffable fear
of the alien among us, a fear which often drives us not to search for understanding, but to deceive, inveigle and obfuscate, to obscure the truth not only from others, but from ourselves.

--- from "The X Files" (S04Ep04 Teliko)



Blogger tanweekly said...

more comments before:

Monday, March 30, 2009 11:44:00 PM  
Anonymous tanweekly said...

I just know, my new tel number is unlucky. "84459514" from Chinese sounds likes "不是是我救我要死", means "This is not me, save me will die" ,,, see back, the process of installing telephone is strange and interesting ....
Here, I dont want to translate it, the Chinese words below, also put on my Chinese homepage:

[流水帐事志] 刚刚知道---我的新电话号码"84459514"的谐音好象很不吉利,"不是是我救我要死"---我也是这几天被人问了两次,特别是后一次昨晚有关部门上门登记外来住户时,问起联系方式时拿出电话完工单查看后,晚上睡时不知怎么才"体悟"到这号码不吉利,,,早知的话,刚拿到完工单后,即可上电信局要求改号,好象一星期内可免费改号的,,,但现在英文BLOG及过去的传真都已发了,,,不改了,,,但,某些人私下"操作"及"可能窃喜"的心态,实在可悲,,,申装过程就"异常",但这类事太多,我都不想让此类事影响到我---我是21日刚有了钱后,就去申请电话安装的,是去广州客村营业部,但中午左右到那里时,发现那么电脑网络故障,随便找了一位接待小姐问,知是刚发生10多分钟,但不知什么时候会正常,可能很快,也可能很长,,,大厅中有些人等着,我就去问柜台里的工作人员,他们听说我是新报装电话的,就说"要不你把资料留下,呆会网络好了,再帮你登记上去",,,就这样,我就留下了我的有关资料,包括银行卡复印件,,,现在想来,记得以前新装电话时,都有一个区位内"选号"的流程,,,典型的传统村落人的心态,,,回到家偷偷的"打小人"或暗地里搞其他小动作的操作,,,后来安装时10000电话联系了多次,最后说好3月27日中午12时至17至让人来我家安装,没想到26日中午过后就有人上门了,,,能早装好当然好了,,,

[流水帐事志] 美国广州领事馆中文网站上,通知4月6日"will be closed"(当时首页标题也是英文的,不象现在已译成中文了,正文中还有发布消息日期是3月24日,现在没有了---4月1日补记),文字中没加"temporary",也没用动词"end",,,我英文不好,一看之下以为是"(永久)关闭",其实后来亲去领事馆问保安之后,才知只是休馆几天,但也没确定什么时候恢复,,,应该最多一星期吧,,,害得我3月26日在我的英文BLOG后的留言中,写下了一些"傻话",,,但不管怎样,这一"刺激"使我提前了我上次事志中所说的"决定性"的动作,,,具体看我的英文BLOG吧......(2009年3月30日深夜于广州上传)

Wednesday, April 01, 2009 9:17:00 AM  
Anonymous tanweekly said...


[流水帐事志] 感觉上,我周围总是会聚集一帮"洗脑人",不知是谁有这个本事或经济实力而把他们汇集过来的(没经济基础他们能这样跑东跑西有组织有计划地,围着普通的或特别的"个人"来施加其"影响"吗?),,,现在的新居是原先的房东介绍过来的,周围的环境比原先的好多了,类似新村楼般的整洁划一,不似大多数的杂乱布局的出租屋,,,原先为了省钱去香港,住在下渡村的旧区中,现在则是换到了新区中,地址是:广州市海珠区中大下渡村新区(明康街)13巷1号205室,就在中山大学的后面,,,这里可以说市中心唯一的低价出租屋,到天河电脑中心一带或越秀区,荔湾区的商业街,依我这么喜欢"走路"的习惯,走过去即可,,,而且大学餐厅的饭菜较卫生,不过价格不算便宜,除了两款3元以下的特别套餐外(要用校园卡才能购买),,,






Monday, April 13, 2009 7:39:00 AM  
Anonymous tanweekly said...



it is the real life of mine, myself own, out of the imagination of others .... maybe someone used it who knew clearly of my life before , but i can't dodge it ,,, "the real life" this is, everyone lives in.


So guess what the next step I will do ?

(btw, 有人嫌我做事慢,,,钱少当然这样了,,,钱多做事就快些,钱再多我可能就满世界飞了,,,飞来飞去,不够快吗?)


Tuesday, April 14, 2009 2:26:00 PM  
Blogger tanweekly said...

next link:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009 12:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sunday, December 19, 2010 4:36:00 AM  

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