Tuesday, September 30

Some Mood Words about "Mind Control"

(Oct. 1st, 2008 post 2nd / total 3)

Some Mood Words about "Mind Control":

Somethings about my rent house, almost let me make these unearthliness as my own normal --- althought I know it should not be normal --- some original neighbors of front or back building moved, their air conditions outside the windows also moved ,,, and seems get into some guys who don't go work on daytime ,,, frequent dry-cough sounds in bad taste, and almost non-sleep on night ,,, some guys seems of multi-factions around me, I do not believe the base organizations even the higher coundn't know it ,,,

They test me, FREE, in fact many "experiments" in China are free (on the other hand, didn't recently Melamine in milk also be a experiment ? ,,, It is even more far for the back of some similar old news and events of historical record)

I am used to the things --- last midnight 1:30 waked up with a start by knocked sound --- not only this rent house ....
I am used to the things --- they made a drag of train about me, of the piss feeling and going washroom on time --- their intent I had known early ....
I am used to the things --- they always can't finish their works, I will let the normal back while they be letup --- I guess it give them a mind power train quantitatively before qualitative change ....

But this time I am angry --- although I know it is a wrong way to deal with those ropy-men, maybe these days I feel worry about them spying my mind while I preparing my English words, usually they made a little knock while my mind has a crotch point ....
I am used to the things --- about midnight 1:30 of my little clock I saw it time after time, I scolded them "Do you know what time it is now ? ... Are you crazy ? ... non sleeping on night but daytime ?" --- how many times this kind words I have talked from Haikou' , Guangzhou' and to Shenzhen's rent house, maybe dozens of times even hundreds ....

Accidentally, this time a sound raised, "Hi guys, we are all right, let us begin to sleep", and some guys around made some sounds or dry-coughs return. It made me real angry.

I shout to those shadow guys, "Brainwash, Dig Head .... I know it .... Dig after dig, how useful it can be to do with me ? .... I will let you know what I can ? .... you prepare to move and hide into the crowd .... "

I am used to the things --- perhaps someone will be crazy with these --- but, I am used to the things.

So, I write down these words, and I will do more later.

(many Chinese records before, this is the first English Mood record, and attaching another Chinese post which ever got wrong show of my inland server by hackers, so I post here backup to make a copy ,,, no translated just Chinese ,,, today total post 3 pages)

Sep 28th, 2008

Original Chinese Characters:





聯繫上次的相關文字,詳見9月1日的本站往事永錄,個人猜測,那些以往民間巫術者的形象,帶著裝著蟲蟲蛇蛇的瓶子,可能初入門時,也是到時準時敲擊瓶子,長期而往從而達到心神控制小蟲小蛇的生理狀況,,,畢竟察看玻璃瓶或古代盆中的小蟲小蛇的狀況要容易多了,,,過幾日的英文BLOG還會準時更新的,題目早起好了"WHO RUNS THE MARKET?"......(2008年9月28日上午上傳)

[流水帳心情] 本次"心情"也可以作為一次大膽的"猜想"....昨半夜大概2,3點樓下不知哪來的狗狂哮,聽聲音有些悽慘,聽聲音一下子似平常狗叫,一下子又象是帶著"人語"音節似的叫聲(很多動物的長叫聲其實與人語的韻律節湊是有很大區別的,有些時如聽出某些"聲響"似蘊人聲的話,往往其能區格"音節",一般動物的長叫往往是連貫的,除了鸚鵡;而田雞等的蛙類的"音節",往往明顯區別於人語聲)....忽然想到,會不會是由於被人"意念力洗腦",其本身的自意識在對抗侵入的外意識.那外意識在"調教式"的強制其發出不應是動物發出的似人語類的"音節"....想到以前很多民間的"邪術"或"蠱術"往往都與爬蟲昆蟲類有關,以往人們往往把這作為一種工具類的"法器",其實會不會是那些意念侵入者初入門時的"練功"對象呢???先是基礎的昆蟲類的(在生物進化鏈中,昆蟲類是很關鍵的一鏈),再是大的動物,然後竟會選擇"人",,,由於民間的"誤讀",所以長此以往流傳下來的,那些"巫術者"的形象,往往是帶著那些蟲蟲蛇蛇什麼的?....想到80年代末,曾看到一則新聞,說是日本研發出把微型儀器搭載在飛蟲身上如蒼蠅等,從而便於竊取情報;後來在90年代初的第一次海灣戰爭時,又看到一則新聞說是美軍研發出一種能搭載在小動物身上的儀器,既能"控制"動物,又能不引人地竊取機密....我想,可能這些在當時也是一種如同上述之說的民間"誤讀",不管是有意還是無意,反正"它"想在歷史的長河中要留下點"印跡",以便被後來某些人所能正確"解讀"....現在,這類"技術"好像沒人關心了,,,可能以往的,也只不過是對手"預警式"的張揚,很可能在此上並沒有實際的進展,如同西方拍攝的那部著名的紀錄片"克格勃超常現象研究檔案"....好像古中國中,在邪氣功理論中,有"練功爐鼎"之說....不知通過動物的眼睛,看到的是不是與人所看到的有很大區別?......(2008年9月1日上午上傳)


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