I want your help if you think it is valuable
Some messages and something about the article --- Of Humankind, Is The Crisis Coming ? 1. about original Chinese characters. In that article about the English words of guard signboard --- "Regarded Guard No Trespass" , the original Chinese characters is "衛兵神聖 不容侵犯"; and the translation --- "When I grow up, I want to become a computer hunter, do a good job, then be employed and work for government" 2. about the email got around. I have sent email to some newseditors of that article. The list is: 3. I will move in the end of this month, from outside of Shenzhen city to inside. For better to my case, here I want to ask for a help if possibly, of course I will pay back something to the helper. I want a rent house inside of Shenzhen city, better with the CATV overseas Live News which only should been served Hongkong & Macao ID card or foreign passport. As a fair deal I will offer the follows, I hope the helper is a Life Insurance Agent, if not also can get other benefits. 4. In my Chinese web site I have a theme about the Life Insurance, and I will introduce and spread Hongkong & Macao and foreign Life Insurance by my Chinese web site. For Hongkong & Macao I know it is legal to close the sales right in Hongkong or Macao, and it is known that overseas Life Insurance absolutely better than Chinese Life Insurance, because of different capital market and capital yield root in non-convertibility of RMB$, so it is a good business. 5. In my Chinese web http://www.bailingren.com/oldnews.htm I have wroten that I would just stay in Shenzhen 2 years (on Feb 14 2008 diary), then I will go abroad. From my BLOG you, a helper, will find out my paranormal case. Here I can speak very frankly to you that it is very real and it is known by most people in China even the overseas. I am absolutely fitted the "Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge" of "James Randi Education Funds", and other funds similar to this. If having a good condition or a compellent operation, I am very sure that some even many people, not few and few, will follow that challenge, but now I don't have a compellent practical position. I promise I will take all my benefits --- this and follows --- to share with you, if you help me. I can write my words formally for deal. 6. --- What a "Transparent Man" ? To understand clearly just visit my personal BLOG. In short, follows are: ( face the former dead soldiers ) 8. Otherwise it seems that someone use my "Transparent Man Particularity" to test even train paranormal men --- the mind attackers. It is known that "paranormal function" of human does not been seen or touched, so it is difficult to assess some guys' unimaginable effect. But now "Transparent Man" changed this kind situation, the senior man can test newbie with a fair and open condition .... 9. So I think it is possible that you can try to deal with other governments or correlative departments, and a big deal will be a good income for both you and me. 10. In fact the behalf from me is big, but my profit is so poor. I don't understand why this is so difficult of transferring profit to me. In real life it is all known that nowadays the social allot system is not pure complete, and "transfer profit" is the one form of complement .... Since they neglected me (but why still use me stealthily), I would also neglect them too. I think it is very real just. . I don't remember ever feeIing this awake. You know what I mean? I want your help if you think it is valuable. With best regards, tanweekly if someone interest it please contact follows: (can speak Chinese language better) my English BLOG http://tanweekly.blogspot.com my Chinese web site http://www.bailingren.com (same copy in my Chinese web site: http://www.bailingren.com/ofhumankind.htm#20080401 )
--- from Chinese teleplay "Daughter-in-law", of the original Chinese characters, is "我長大了想當一名黑客,技術上去了後,就去被國家招安"——摘自大陸電視劇《媳婦》
capitolhillvoice.com, zethiopia.com, washingtoncitypaper.com, washingtontimes.com, rollcall.com, washpost.com, bbc.co.uk, thehill.com, afro.com, seattlepi.com, nytimes.com, newsday.com, sfgate.com, latimes.com, sfchronicle.com, dailynewsgroup.com, bayareanewsgroup.com, yourguide.com.au, thestar.ca, theage.com.au, citynews.com.au, smh.com.au, manlydaily.com.au, DAILYTELEGRAPH.COM.AU
( of course it will be the best that the rent house is with satellite transmission and non-block internet. CAUTION: some whispers around me which I can't control maybe could disturb neighbor, I think it is also a form of my paranormal case. Look details follow #5. )
"They can see around faces which I see sharing my eyes,
they can listen around talks which I listen sharing my ears,
they can know all my acts which I think about sharing my head! "
In the back of my mind, I was always saying,"Better them than me."
But I don't believe that now.
Now I realize there are some things worse than death.
--- from movie "Down of the Death" .2004.
7. I think I can spread my "attention" to the TV station through TV set, maybe the TV staffers can also hear the whispers which I heard .... For my "Transparent Man Particularity" --- they see what I see, In China I find out that the Chinese Government control the info which I see or hear, even touch to the Hongkong TV station and Radio station since 2003 when I found the new way to get fresh information.... whatever to those stations or other audience, just for the "commercial purpose", I think it is useful absolutely if it is real.
( from this maybe I find a reason why many guys and things chaos around me, and without saying that someones steal my thought even while I am writing right now )
Everything Iooks different. You feeI Iike that, too, Iike you got something to Iook forward to?
..We'II be drinking margaritas by the sea, Mamasita.
. We couId change our names.
..We couId Iive in a hacienda.
. I'm gonna get a job.
..I'm gonna work at CIub Med.
. Now what kind of a deaI is that cop gonna have to come up with to beat that?
--- from movie "Thelma And Louise" .1991.
11. Look around the world, many people are profitable between holding and paying, and with the society growing those kind people will be more and more .... There is one thing I sure that when I go the end of my life, I will not feel compunctious. Because I don't owe the world from holding and paying.
Sorry for my poor English.
April 1, 2008
1. mobile telephone in Shenzhen: 13651412114 (message better, not always on-line, keep on-line time 18:00 ~ 22:00 HKT everyday)
2. leave your words or contact way on message board of my BLOG or http://www.hkflash.com/gb.asp?id=tanweekly
3. email tanweekly@mail.com
4. meet me directly. my address Chinese form is "深圳龙岗区布吉龙岭路34号七楼,布吉医院旁,布吉老干部活动中心对面"
(#2,#3 I can't on-line everytime to check, I only check it in net-bar so feedback will be later)
--- Sorry for troubled ways. If you are in Shenzhen I will meet you actively.