Wednesday, May 10

Is it time for revealing the truth, perhaps ?

last friday, the seed of CNN NEWS on amateurish exchange net with PP technic
was stopped, and to this day has not returned to normal. It seems that the
program of CNN NEWS is down the line, and maybe I should look for another ....

May 15, 2006

Is it time for revealing the truth, perhaps ?

"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven" (Romans 1:18)

[excerpts from Chinese Version of my personal homepage]
the Chinese Version, click
read more words in my personal homepage (Chinese Version)

So let's leave the Macroscopic National question aside, just talk about the "Someone's" question. Some disengaged men are always seem around by me. Knocking at home like a ghost affrighting and hoaxing other dwellers, it seems a "Professional" done. To me, owning a net computer with the hires by month accesses, it is understood that I am in my rent house most time and be busy. But those "someones", it seems that they lie on the bed all day long, warning around by their spirits, sometimes make a "contacting" knock or deep-dry cough according to the victim's state felt.

It is all known that flourishes is around the Rent-house Area in big city. Why don't they go out just to have a relaxation, even understandably indulge in dissipation. Noble goes to palace, prole goes to field. Fitted is, is right (Whatever is, is right) .

About these kinds of "Brainwash", thinking me personal, it is not only psychologic hint but also organic effect. The villainy, harrying ceaselessly, is more than real blood. Maybe they used some idiodynamics of "Qigong" --- the oldest mode of human way to feeling the world, a theory more used to the Energy Field --- this theory stresses in virtual influence. For them, the full press system's influence is also thought of as a "Big Qigong Field". They hidding in dark, harrying ceaselessly, the purpose is let your heart down, let your soul sold, then you will be a chessman in thier hands.

(to be continued)

the Chinese Version, click
read more words in my personal homepage (Chinese Version)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

Monday, May 29, 2006 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.

Monday, May 29, 2006 1:10:00 AM  

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